


For example HMAC1 SHA256 is HMAC scramble the message with a key and hash with SHA256.

ghci> import Crypto.MAC.HMAC
ghci> import Crypto.Hash
ghci> hmacGetDigest $ hmac ("secret key"::ByteString) ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA256
ghci> hmacGetDigest $ hmac ("secret key"::ByteString) ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2b_256

The scramble part is defined in rfc21041, H is hash function e.g. SHA256, K is secret key and , is concat

ipad = the byte 0x36 repeated B times
opad = the byte 0x5C repeated B times
H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))

MAC can be used in senario like:

  • Exchange private message, append a MAC of the message to proof it is not tampered, very similar to usage of hash function, but hash function is mainly use for public messages, for example a file from public website that everyone can download.
  • Pseudo Random Generator(PRG), HMAC(salt, seed) generate a pretty random enough key can be used in KDF

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